Losing Weight is Not a Complicated Process

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Losing weight is a hot topic no matter whether you fight a constant battle with being overweight and you need to lose a large amount to restore your health or you only need to lose a few pounds. Diet books rank amongst best sellers on the book-store selves and there are many websites catering to weight loss on the internet. When we watch television we are exposed to even more 'magic pills' and weight loss programs. These can be tempting if we wish to lose some weight.

But is it really this easy? Do these pills, diets and program really work? Well, with a failure rate of 95 percent they do not work. That means only 5 in every one hundred people succeed with their weight loss goals after trying one of these products. Would we buy a home appliance or other product with such a high failure rate? Not very likely.

We need to say a permanent goodbye to diets and ineffective activities like walking to really lose weight. The answer lies in our muscular system and its relationship to your metabolism (your body's engine) and the rate that your body burn fuel (calories).

The true secret to losing weight is a very simple one, although it can be challenging to change your mindset to accept it. You will need to make some changes to your level of strength and fitness that will help you lose the extra pounds without resorting to the expense and frustration of useless fad diets.

The main thing you need to get started on is a proper strength training program to tune up your fat burning engine, boosting your metabolic efficiency and maximizing calorie burn morning, noon and night. By shifting your body in high gear with the right exercise program you will burn 200-300 more calories each day. This is how you will burn off that extra fat and get into the shape you dream of.

The one thing you need to get your head around is that a strength training program is not negotiable for a person that needs to lose weight. If you are not comfortable with the thought of working your muscles hard and often then you had better get comfortable with the thought of being overweight for a very long time.

Although it may seem hard at the start, after just a few months o your strength training program it will all become much easier. Strong, fit people are naturally more inclined toward activity and tend to exert themselves at higher levels. That is because activities of all kinds becomes easier as your strength and fitness improves, and even intense (higher degree of effort) levels of exertion become more comfortable.

All of which makes calorie-burning activities a much more appealing proposition, which makes you want to do it even more. And the easier it gets and so on. Then you are burning even more calories at rest - while you are sleeping or relaxing watching television.

You just need to decide how active a human being you are going to be then your food has to adjust. The more activity you do the more you can eat and the more weight is lost. You no longer will be able to eat through the eye of a needle. You will have to eat more high quality food to support your exercise program so; you can put the necessary effort into it to make the changes you need to make to your metabolic motor.

Just 2-3 sessions each week is all you need to do if the program is set up and monitored by a fitness professional so you can get the very best results in the shortest time. Losing weight is easy when you do it right. Try it and see for yourself.

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body, regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth - Let Me Show You Too!" Secrets to Longevity

If you are looking to lose weight permanently go to Fitness Weight Loss for a free ebook and check out the new Hot Metabolism Fitness System.

Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger. In her nearly 30 years of fitness and bodybuilding competition experience she has helped thousands of people start their journey towards being strong, fit and youthful at any age.